
        • Come join us today! If you see a committee you are interested in, please contact us.
  • Standing Committees typically meet every 6 months or as requested by the Executive unless otherwise mandated.  The Committee chair is elected every 2 years
  • Joint Committees with 399 and/or the employer such as Health and Safety, Labour Management, Grievance meet monthly
  • Special committees are formed for a purpose and dissolved when that purpose is fulfilled or within 1 year.
Standing Committees Chair Union Members
Bylaw Committee Heather Darin Vacant
Communication Committee Ravneet Dhillon Sonja Towle kate Green Jennifer Bedard Morgan Thorlakson
Strategic Planning Committee Vacant
Political Action Vacant
Shop Stewards (meet quarterly) Chief Shop Steward all Stewards for CUPE 1048
Accident Review Committee Vacant
Education Ravneet Dhillon Sonja Towle
Joint Committees Co-Chair Union Members
Health and Safety City Hall   –
Health and Safety 18th Ave Vacant
Community Services
Labour Management President 1st Vice
Grievance Chief Shop Steward 2nd Vice
Bargaining Karen Welch Craig Tott David Wieler Kate Green(Alternate)
Long Term Disability
Job Reclass Heather Darin Lori Devereux
Benefits currently inactive
Committee Chair Members
Adult Christmas Party Ravneet Dhillon
Children's Christmas Party Meghan Sullivan